047 • 2021

Gräsö in July

It’s well past nine before we’re done with the day’s tasks. We grab the tote with our swimwear and jump onto our bikes. The smell of dry grass, the cicadas chirping, the warm air – it all feels like we’re abroad. In Southern Europe, by the Mediterranean perhaps.

We turn off the main road and the tires crackle against the gravel, the kids humming a tune. We round the corner and spot the little harbor. With all the yellows and browns it looks like an autumn scene. Hope rain’s coming soon.

Summer’s finally arrived together with some time off from work. We continue to keep our circles small. While the vaccination program has been picking up pace most restrictions and recommendations are still in effect.

So we spend most of our time at the country house, with a few select outings.

A heat wave and accompanying dry spell have us in its hold for most of our stay. It’s often too warm to make much progress on the few ongoing projects we have around the house. All anyone is keen on is to head to the sea. To take a swim, fly the kite, look for ladybugs or perhaps just throw some pebbles into the water.

So we do what we bear in the heat, then pack the usual and jump onto our bikes once again.

GEAR — Leica M Typ 262 & Voigtländer 50/1.2

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